VSCP Specification 1.11.3
Measurement event section added.
Fixed typos.
Updated classes/events to latest data.
The specification is available here.
A new version of the package node-vscp (1.1.15) was published at 2020-04-26T21:22:40.811Z. The shasum of this package was 24f1af98b268b40c7e65b2e7d31cf7a77ee6f717.
A new version of the package node-vscp-type (1.0.7) was published at 2020-04-26T21:03:12.296Z. The shasum of this package was cde8dd0b24f237cf2675b59d7c64ea0390e185c8.
A new version of the package node-vscp-class (1.0.9) was published at 2020-04-26T21:00:12.097Z. The shasum of this package was 2c62cc487b957c0871b82eab9e2f8251ab5c285f.
PC-XT Emulator on a ESP8266 – MCUhacker
Can you run a 8086 PC-XT emulation with 640K RAM, 80×25 CGA composite video and a 1.44MB MS-DOS disk on a ESP12E without additional components? Yes, you can and I did. The CPU emulator is a po…
The interface list output of vscpd has been changed from 14.0.0 version. This is because now the GUID's is used to identify a channel. To be compatible with the deprecated vscpworks which relay on the driver names a device driver name should end with "|" (without the quotes), to make the parsing work for works. Here is an example for vscpl1drv-can4vscp <!-- The can4vscp driver --> <driver enable="true" name="can4vscp|" config="/dev/ttyUSB0" flags="0" translation="0x02" path="/var/lib/vscp/drivers/level1/" guid="FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:F5:01:00:00:00:00:00:00:02" />
Without this scan/config/boot will not work as they should. vscpworks is available here as a Debian package for amd64 and only for amd64. It is deprecated and will not be updated anymore.
vscpd 1.0.1 released
Version 1.0.1 of vscpd released. Fixes log problems and some package installation problems on Raspberry Pi. Available here.
A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp (1.1.0) was published at 2020-03-22T21:44:08.953Z