A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp (1.2.4) was published at 2021-08-05T20:08:50.878Z
- Updated dependencies.
A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp (1.2.4) was published at 2021-08-05T20:08:50.878Z
A new version of the package node-vscp-tcp (1.1.2) was published at 2021-08-05T20:01:21.731Z
A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp (1.2.5) was published at 2021-08-05T19:40:12.663Z
A new version of the package node-vscp-type (1.0.15) was published at 2021-08-05T19:17:03.539Z
A new version of the package node-vscp-class (1.0.16) was published at 2021-08-05T19:04:52.551Z
A new version of the package node-vscp (1.1.19) was published at 2021-08-05T19:22:54.177Z
A new version of the package node-red-contrib-canal (1.0.5) was published at 2021-08-05T14:47:32.514Z Fixing dependency security issues. https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-canal
vscpl2drv-socketcan is a VSCP level II driver that interface the socketcan interface on a Linux machine. CAN FD is supported.
Binaries can be downloaded from https://github.com/grodansparadis/vscpl2drv-socketcan/releases/tag/v15.0.0
Docs are here https://docs.vscp.org/#level2drv
Repository is here https://github.com/grodansparadis/vscpl2drv-socketcan
VSCP level II driver for diagnostic logging. It makes it possible to log VSCP events from a source to a file. Three formats of the log file is currently supported. Either a standard text string i logged for for each event or logging entries can be logged on XML or JSON format. The advantage of the later is that it can be read by VSCP works and further analyzed there. Several drivers can be used to write logging data to different output files and using different filter/masks for complex logging.
Also this is the first level II driver that implement the HLO configuration interface (shown in the picture above).
Binaries can be downloaded from https://github.com/grodansparadis/vscpl2drv-logger/releases/tag/v15.0.0
Docs are here https://docs.vscp.org/#level2drv
Repository is here https://github.com/grodansparadis/vscpl2drv-logger
VSCP level II driver that implements implements a full web-server, VSCP websocket ws1 and ws2 interfaces, and a VSCP REST interface. Server side LUA and Javascript is supported among many other techniques are fully supported in the same way that was part of the VSCP daemon in releases pre 15.0.0.
Binaries can be downloaded from https://github.com/grodansparadis/vscpl2drv-websrv/releases/tag/v15.0.0
Docs are here https://docs.vscp.org/#level2drv
Repository is here https://github.com/grodansparadis/vscpl2drv-websrv