The manual for the Kelvin NTC10K temperature module is now available in web format as the rest of the manuals.
The product page is here.
The manual for the Kelvin NTC10K temperature module is now available in web format as the rest of the manuals.
The product page is here.
A German guy just started a new VSCP project recently. Will be nice to follow.
Bare Conductive discovered their microcontroller had been cloned. CEO Matt Johnson shares the experience.
Source: Clone Spotting: How Counterfeits Hurt the Open Source Movement | Make:
A new release, version 1.1.2, of the Frankfurt RS-232 firmware is available. This is a bug fix release solving one minor problem that is non critical.
2015-11-25 AKHE – Fixed problem with warning blink for bus warnings never being turned off even if the condition is over.
The brand new miniature Raspberry Pi Zero is here and it does everything a Raspberry Pi does best. Get yours free with every printed issue…
Source: Raspberry Pi Zero out now. Get yours free with The MagPi #40! – The Magpi MagazineThe Magpi Magazine
A new firmware release 1.1.1 is available for Frankfurt RS-232. This is a bug fix release and it fixes a problem that occurs sometimes when sending frames with maximum length. Typically this happens when bootloading a device over the VSCP daemon.
The new firmware is available here.
Manual and instructions on how to update the firmware is here.
As a general note please enable hardware handshake whenever possible using the Frankfurt RS-232 module for bootloading.
after the recent release of the new version of VSCP & Friends we finally have time to do some hardware development again. Two new modules are available.
CAN4VSCP Power Injector
This module is makes it possible to power 16 x CAN4VSCP modules using the daisy chain connector. It also have two RJ-35 connectors and terminators for the bus on board. Usage is typically to connect several CAN4VSCP boards together in a cabinet, either as a self contained unit or connected to other groups of modules. DIN or wall mount options are available.
Price is EUR 28 and it is available in the FrogShop for immediate delivery.
Accra is a counter board that can count pulses on four channels. In addition to counting pulses it can also measure frequency. The main intended use is for power/water/other meter interfacing using S0 pulses or other means. But there are numerous other usages for this powerful module for sure. The Accra module is capable of outputting an appropriate measurement unit from a pulsed channel and can thus output kWh from a power meter for example or liters of used water from a water meter. This of course make it very easy to handle the data sent from the module, graphing or just collecting it. DIN or wall mount options are available.
The product page for Accra is here.
Price is EUR 28 and it is available from the FrogShop for immediate delivery.
More modules are on the way. A lot of them in fact. We move against Ethernet and wireless domains from here. Connecting the different domains of devices together.
Remember to follow our blog for the latest news
The Accra counter module is up and running now and we are doing the last debugging of it. Available in the FrogShop next week I hope. It is just lovely I can tell you AND useful.
Also got boards for Moscow, the Power Injector and Frankfurt USB today.
Moscow is a wifi board that connect CAN4VSCP to wifi, typically connects to a VSCP daemon or something like that.
The Power Injector is a board that can be used to connect CAN4VSCP boards together without the RJ-45 cabling by using the expansion (daisy chain) connector of the modules. Will be available in the FrogShop next week.
The Frankfurt USB is the Frankfurt RS-232 with built in USB. That is it is powered from the host. It will be available in two versions. One for DIN mount and one in a boxed version. The boxed version will be the first that will be available. This “thingi” has big buffers in addition to all the features of the Frankfurt RS-232.
Below some live data from the vscp-ux components.
Got a great tip from a customer (Maarten Zanders in Belgium) for the Beijing module. His words below.
Here’s a tip for if you use Beijing to process buttons. If you want to add stronger pull-ups (the PIC’s internal pullups are too weak to be used on physical -long- wire), there’s a component from “the old days” that can help you out: SIL resistor arrays.