The technical article focuses on the description of 1/f noise and how 1/f noise could get reduced in precision measurement applications.
Source: Understanding and Eliminating 1/f Noise | Analog Devices
The technical article focuses on the description of 1/f noise and how 1/f noise could get reduced in precision measurement applications.
Source: Understanding and Eliminating 1/f Noise | Analog Devices
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Source: Etcher
Did it even got born? Well don’t ask the European Commission. They have never heard of VSCP.
The list in the picture can also be thought of as “better alternatives” to strange things like VSCP.
development continues also for a ‘non leading’ IoT platform that did IoT before anyone was talking about IoT. We will never die. Well, that was maybe an exaggeration, we will not die right now at least. But we will also change the world before we do that.
Written with a smile not a frown.
We got a EUR 10 donation from Gediminas Simanskis, Vilnius, Lithuania to the project.
Thank you Ged!