Source: Sneak preview of new OSHW IoT board: ESP32-Gateway | olimex
Source: Etcher
Is #VSCP dead? #IoT
Did it even got born? Well don’t ask the European Commission. They have never heard of VSCP.
The list in the picture can also be thought of as “better alternatives” to strange things like VSCP.
development continues also for a ‘non leading’ IoT platform that did IoT before anyone was talking about IoT. We will never die. Well, that was maybe an exaggeration, we will not die right now at least. But we will also change the world before we do that.
Written with a smile not a frown.
A Beginner’s Guide to the #ESP8266
New Donation
We got a EUR 10 donation from Gediminas Simanskis, Vilnius, Lithuania to the project.
Thank you Ged!
State of #VSCP May 2017
Well, it’s time for a new status update for the VSCP project.
I am still working with the tables interface on the VSCP daemon. This has taken far more time then I ever expected it to take. But I want to have it in place and will eventually. One of the reasons for it to take such a long time to implement is that I clean up code and document parts of the system at the same time. Another reason is that I have some surgery for a bad shoulder last week and that also has slowed things down. Anyway. things move forward, be patient.
The helper lib
I discovered a bad thing I did not think of last week when I worked with the VSCP helper library. A year ago or so I changed the communication motor from my own work to Mongoose mostly to quickly get SSL working. This was of course a big mistake. I want this code and the resulting library to be free to put in any project, also in commercial project where the source needs to be protected. Mongoose is released under GPL v2 so by using it in this case users of the helper library and helper/interface classes has to share their code. This is no problem under the development stage of a project. But it is a problem for released works. I will prioritize this change. Mongoose will be removed from this part. The problem is not the same for the VSCP daemon and other tools in the package which can live with GPL’d code. Here Mongoose will still be used.
VSCP Classes
An easy way to build clients for the VSCP daemon is to use the some classes available in the VSCP &Friends package. A sample project and some examples for this is now available here. As always the other way to make clients for communication with the daemon is to use the VSCP helper library. A C# library is on the way for this and hopefully we will see more bindings also in the near future.
OK – That was all for now.
Cheers & Have fun!
ps My mascot, the frog, was destroyed when the roof fell in here last night, I hope that is not a bad omen… 😉 ds
Holy (#VSCP office) shit!
Ethernet on #ESP32 using LAN8720
Source: Ethernet on ESP32 using LAN8720
This is a good one!