
vscpd 14.0.0 Silicon has been released

So after more than a year of work it is time for the release of vscpd 14.0.0 Silicon. And actually it is not much new stuff in this release. It is instead more or less a total rewrite. Some old libraries has been removed. A lot of things has been lifted and changed.

If you consider updating there are a few things you should know.

1.) The decision matrix is no longer available in the VSCP daemon. We recommend the use of node-red and tools from here to replace this functionality.

2.) Remote variables is no longer available anymore. Again use node-red to get the functionality. We will provide examples on how to do so later.

3.) udp interface is no longer build into the VSCP daemon but instead packed in an optional level II driver.

4.) While level I drivers works as before the interface to level II drivers is new. This means that level II drivers made for <14 releases will not work with never releases.

5.) Drivers are no longer shipped with the main release binaries and should be installed separately.

7.) The main install folder is now /var/lib/vscp instead of /srv/vscp as before. You find folders for web pages and drivers as well as other files there. Configuration file is as usual in /etc/vscp

8.) systemd is now used to start/stop/restart the the VSCP daemon. So use “systemctl start/stop/restart vscpd

node-red is mentioned several times here and that is because VSCP will be tightly integrated with node-red in the future. Some of that work has already been done but more will come.

You find the release binaries here. New is that most binaries are available as Debian packages for easy install.


node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp (1.0.0) released

Initial version of node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp (1.0.0) released. Use to connect to remote VSCP hosts that export the VSCP tcp/ip link interface.

node-js VSCP

node-vscp-tcp (1.0.8)

A new version of the package node-vscp-tcp (1.0.8) was published at 2020-03-08T21:24:15.148Z from The shasum of this package was f51ff1ccd90f29370bcaa52fbd036b8cbc36ca15.
node-js node-red VSCP

node-red-contrib-vscp (1.0.6)

A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp (1.0.6) was published at 2020-03-05T14:59:57.649Z from The shasum of this package was 7198f23b6379414619a86fee57f4a274dd76908a.
CAN general node-js node-red VSCP

node-red-contrib-socketcan (1.0.4)

A new version of the package node-red-contrib-socketcan (1.0.4) was published at 2020-03-05T15:09:43.985Z from The shasum of this package was feb467d7e7a2f404211eccb97103e8cdc13f8e6e.
node-js VSCP

node-vscp (1.1.12)

A new version of the package node-vscp (1.1.12) was published at 2020-03-04T15:43:30.476Z from The shasum of this package was 0175938d0b42414aae8eccf80c1de1391c4b1528.
node-js VSCP

node-red-contrib-vscp (1.0.5)

A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp (1.0.5) was published at 2020-03-04T15:45:50.174Z from The shasum of this package was e5a7c384c555ce3e99767d72f3e4453ef62d6d06.
node-red VSCP


node-red-contrib-canal has been released. This node makes iot possible to interface VSCP level I drivers (CANAL drivers). It works both with vanilla CAN and VSCP.


Alma’s Park by Alma’s Park — Kickstarter


node-canal (1.0.4)

A new version of the package node-canal (1.0.4) was published at 2020-03-03T09:19:48.815Z from The shasum of this package was 1ccaba0ae80fec6a34a51f6281414c8cbc4986ad.