VSCP – Installing USB2CAN on Linux – Installing USB2CAN on Linux.


Konekt | Cellular Connectivity for Hardware Made Simple

Konekt | Cellular Connectivity for Hardware Made Simple.


VSCP helper libraries documented #VSCP #m2m #IoT

start | VSCP Specification

The VSCP helper libraries has been around for at least ten of the fourteen years of VSCPs life. But until now the library has been undocumented. Programmers hate to document and I am not an exception to that rule.  But instead of programming with the aim to change the world as I should, I have spent the last week to finally test every method and make an example that work on both Linux and Windows and then documented them all. It’s dull and boring work and I found some errors which now are fixed.

OK there is more to add and more to document in this are as well. How to directly use a CANAL driver for example is not documented and there need to be more samples.  Some day I will attend to that to…

For those of you that program in C++ there are three classes that can be used instead if the helper library if you  prefer that.  The CCanalSuperWrapper class gives a common API to both the TCP/IP and the CANAL interfaces. The CDllWrapper class on the other hand interface only the CANAL interface and VscpRemoteTcpIf class  interfaces only the TCP/IP interface,   Docs will follow on how to use these  tools also.

Anyway the docs for the VSCP Helper library is here.

That’s all for now.



11 Finalists selected in the category Internet of Things EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge

OKidoki – We did not make it this time either.

11 Finalists selected in the category Internet of Things EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge.


Noob’s guide to Embedded Systems: IoT Data Logging using Beaglebone Black and Thingspeak

Noob’s guide to Embedded Systems: IoT Data Logging using Beaglebone Black and Thingspeak.


VSCP Specification on on-line format again #IoT #m2m #VSCP

start | VSCP Specification

The VSCP specification is now available in a more proper on-line format again. This makes it easier to update and to maintain in this time of rapid development. The documentation for the VSCP Daemon, VSCP Works and the VSCP Helper library is now separated from the specification and have there own pages.

The specification is available on-line here.


VSCP and node.js – YouTube #iot #m2m #vscp

VSCP and node.js – YouTube.


node.js VSCP event receive sample #IoT #m2m #vscp

node_js_receive_event [the VSCP & Friends Wiki].

General HowTo's samples - software VSCP

Sending VSCP events with node.js #IoT #m2m #VSCP


Here is a link to a sample that send VSCP events with node.js interfacing both another TCP/IP session and webpages connected to the websocket interface of the VSCP daemon.


VSCP Specification on web-format again

start | VSCP Specification

The  VSCP Specification is now available in a proper web-format again.