You know you can vote for the VSCP project every 24 hours!? Please put that on your morning agenda for the next eight days.
Thank you!
/The fat bee
You know you can vote for the VSCP project every 24 hours!? Please put that on your morning agenda for the next eight days.
Thank you!
/The fat bee
…or some other project if your heart tells you to do that.
Hi all,
the first release (v0.1.0) of a new VSCP framework is provided now here:
More information and how to use it, you can find here:
At the moment two examples exists, one for the pc (windows and linux) and one for the at90can.
The checked in project has a interim state at the moment and as fast as my hardware is ready, will hopefully get a productive state.
Any feedback is welcome! Any found bug too
Best regards
Any difference?
There are Davids and there are Goliaths of the world. We know what category the VSCP project belongs to. During the fourteen years of VSCP’s existence we have seen many Goliaths come and go. Yes, most people support the Goliaths of the world without any further thought, after all they have the money, the strength and the power to reach out to the world. But as any intelligent man and woman knows, who think beyond the obvious and simple, it is not always the big and colorful flowers that are the most beautiful. If you take the time to look closer you will find more beautiful things hidden in the grass. You just have to put some more effort into it and not get blinded by the obvious.
No a project like VSCP will never win over the Goliaths of the world. At least unless people care to look beyond the obvious. If you are one of those people vote for the VSCP project.