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Aurora Borealis
First I have to say that I did not take the pictures below. They where taken yesterday by Kent Backeby. Credit where credit is due.
One of the advantages of living in a place like I live in is the solar wind. A phenomena we see in the winter here. Yesterday we had a spectacular show. Free of charge. Just go out and look. Wonderful I must assure you. I just want to share. Now back to work.
I’m passionate about embedded software and as you might remember from one of my previous posts, believe that we need a revolution in the IoT space. E
Source: Smart.js – Open Source IoT Platform in Alpha 2 | Sergey Lyubka | LinkedIn
Source: UiMagician
Frankfurt Ethernet
A first batch of PCB’s are now ordered for the PIC version of the Frankfurth Eth card so we expect to see some working prototypes under October. This card has a lot of buffer capability to buffer CAN4VSCP events and a large external Flash for user interface.
Main use is Ethernet/TCP/IP <-> CAN4VSCP. Just add the module to a CAN4VSCP segment and it will add TCP/IP connectivity to that segment attaching the segment to a VSCP daemon or other software. Also we will build a web interface on the module for diagnostic and other things.
This module will also be available in an ARM version later.
A look at the development tools, platforms and protocols available for the CC2650 SensorTag.
Source: Developing applications for the new TI SensorTag » DesignSpark
Creative chaos
Next version of VSCP & Friends will be Sodium 1.1.0. A reactive son of a bitch. Yes rock’n roll even. Soon in a computer near you.
Can’t promise you fame and fortune. But it can be nice to just be part of something that will change the world.
There is a lot to do of course. It always is. But bindings to different languages (also to languages not in the list) is something that we really need and gives other people a chance to do great things. Yes we can do with libs. that is not based on the VSCP helper lib and interface the REST or the websocket interface of the VSCP daemon.
There is a list here with things that we think it would be nice to see. But there is million of other things you can contribute with. Its fin. Its valuable. Its a world changer.
Python bindings available for VSCP
Salvo Musumeci has made Python bindnings available for the VSCP helper library. Great work Salvo! You can find his work here.
We need bindings for PHP, Java, C#, Perl, node.js etc also so if you want something to do this fall this is a task to take on.