Andy has released VSCP framework version 2.0.2
Andy has released VSCP framework version 2.0.2
I am working on some different designs at the moment. CAN4VSCP Frankfurth Eth is one of them. When you give away everything for free the problem is always to get funding to pay others that need to get payed for things to be able to be created.
In this case I was lucky. pcbway.com sponsored the VSCP project with boards. Thanks a lot for that. Excellent quality. If they don’t work it is definitely my fault.
CAN4VSCP Frankfurt Eth is a plug and play Ethernet to CAN4VSCP gateway. Select MQTT, VSCP tcp/ip link or ESP-NOW (or all at the same time) for communication. The goal is to make two versions. Where one have PoE and can be used to power other CAN4VSCP boards as well. It can’t be simpler to setup a system.
The board complements CAN4VSCP Frankfurt Wifi which have the same functionality but provides wifi <-> CAN4VSCP instead.
The CAN4VSCP Frankfurt Wifi project is developed in parallel with this project.
Thanks to PCBWay for sponsering the VSCP project with two new boards for the CAN4VSCP Frankfurt series of boards.
CAN4VSCP Frankfurt Eth.
CAN4VSCP Frankfurt Eth.
More info about the project is available on Github
Available here
The release is [here](https://github.com/grodansparadis/can4vscp_kelvin_ntc10k/releases/tag/v1.2.7)
The release is available here
Available here