
VSCP turns 21 today

birthday wallpaper
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Still alive!



The VSCP MQTT demo code is now also live on our demo server. This is probably the most ugly and boring demo around – it will improve over time – but the technique behind it is interesting. At the moment it basically just show the temperature in our fridge in some different ways. Not very interesting but it’s live and real time data.

It is also worth noting that everything is secured with TLS. From the source up to the actual widget.

The source generating data is a small device (Kelvin NTC10K) that does not have Internet capabilities but instead communicate over a CAN bus which is connected to a VSCP daemon which in turn publish received events to a local MQTT broker on JSON format. This data is then forwarded to the demo server.

With VSCP it is possible to write widgets like this once and then use them for different scenarios multiple times. Just by using the tools we all have been using for many years now. Things that web designer people do well.

Try yourself to plot the data using charts.js for example.

CAN general node-js node-red-contrib-socketca socketcan VSCP

New version of the package node-red-contrib-socketcan (1.2.2)

A new version of the package node-red-contrib-socketcan (1.2.2) was published at 2021-08-26T10:30:37.106Z
  • Fixed dependencies
  • Added LICENSE

Det nya svarta.

Skriver ett Python script. Men under nästan en timme tror jag att jag att jag kodar i node.js och kan inte fatta varför Math.round inte fungerar…

Senile programming – SP


An introduction to 10BASE-T1S

Ethernet and Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks are everywhere. You can find them in standard computer networks as well as in automotive, IoT and all kinds of automation applications. It has been around for almost 50 years. Henry Muyshondt, Senior Manager, Microchip Technology explains.

Source: An introduction to 10BASE-T1S

Demo MQTT VSCP websockets

Demo: Live VSCP MQTT data over websockets

Added some initial demo code for VSCP MQTT events over websockets. Currently a page with an unformatted live event list is available and a gauge displaying the fridge temperature in our kitchen.

The code is here

This is initial work and work in progress so please expect a lot of changes and improvements. Posted here for people that want to start development around this technique.

Information about the events available will be added as we go and more will come. There are some info in the wiki already but info is far from complete.

BLE Bluetooth Demo Programming Python VSCP

Added Bluetooth BLE sensorpuck python script

Added a python script that collect Bluetooth BLE sensor data from a Silicon Labs Sensorpuck and send it to a VSCP Daemon. Data collected is

  • Signal Quality
  • Battery Voltage
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Ambient Light
  • UV Index.

The script is available here and is including instruction on how to use and install.

Live data is available on the VSCP demo server and a node-red flow is included to show this data in real time.

HowTo's VSCP

Howto: How to send Raspberry Pi CPU & GPU temperature readings to the VSCP daemon

HowTo's VSCP

Howto: How to send Digitemp 1-wire readings to the VSCP daemon

HowTo's VSCP

Howto: How to send 1 -wire temperature readings to the VSCP daemon