Development VSCP

#VSCP new UDP interface documented

The new VSCP UDP interface has been documented. Sample code  is available.  You can find the documentation here.


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The #VSCP bumblebee hard at work today

Development VSCP

#VSCP New Multicast and UDP interfaces

From version 1.12.26 the muticast channel interface is available. Also a new UDP interface is available.

With the multicast channel interface one can set up groups of Level II nodes that share a common channel for events. Much like a bus like CAN. Frames can be encrypted using AES128, AES192 or AES256.

With the new UDP interface one can set up a receiving interface and several sending interfaces which send UDP datagrams to remote nodes. Frames can be encrypted using AES128, AES192 or AES256.

The settings for the multicast channel interface is here

The settings for the UDP interface is here

The encryption key are under the <security> tag.

Some sample code can be found in the source tree under test/multicast and tests/udp. Not more documentation at the moment I am afraid but I work on that.

Well there are probably some bugs left…



State of things | #VSCP

I know when I have lost. The chance that VSCP will be adopted by the many is pretty small. One could be sad about that. It is so much work. So many hours. But if you want to be a success you need money and even more, devoted people around you that preferably are better than yourself.

So, bad days, and this is one of them, you think about giving it all up. Why bother?

Still, there is something in that vision of small systems talking to each other,  working together, that is hard to not make come true. Just out of curiosity, Is it possible to do this?

But on the other hand. Soon seventeen years of development.  It is crazy to walk this road.

Well I do any way. The development continue.

I have decided to skip built-in  MQTT support in the VSCP server. The Level II driver will give this support and will be extended with new functionality instead.

I am implementing new UDP functionality at the moment. This is an extended version of what was available before. One can set up a UDP port on the server that can receive UDP VSCP frames. Ack is available and the frames can be unencrypted or encrypted using AES128/AES192/AES256. The VSCP server can also connect to other nodes using UDP and send a filtered output stream to them.

I also work on the Multicast functionality as this is close to the UDP functionality. The same encryption options is available here but the multicast channels work a bit different to UDP in that one can set up as many multicast channels one like, have filters in them for both send and receive, and of course encrypted frames.  This is perfect for low-end autonomous systems.

I hope to have this is done and fully working this week.

The multicast announce channel by the way is already in place and has been for quite a while. I will document this to. Basically this channel is where a higher end device can listen to discover new nodes in a system. Likewise should level II nodes post their info here as well as heart beats.  The VSCP daemon will collect this info, a work that is up next, and make it available through its high end interfaces.

That’s it for now.  Keep your eyes open for documentation of the new features.



Tuning Level Control Loops – Dataforth

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Development VSCP

Effect of #VSCP package change

For those of you running head code of the VSCP & Friends package

Remember to build the full VSCP & Friends package after checking it out from git and then compile all files and do a “make install” as root. If you don’t do this drivers and the VSCP server (the daemon) may use different package formats which will   corrupt memory and probably make the VSCP server and the rest of the code unstable.


Development VSCP

IMPORTANT! #VSCP configuration change

From version Magnesium the configuration file format has changed. A lot of things have moved out from the <general> section up to the top-level.  Refer to the distribution vscpd.conf for full info.

Configuration file reading order has changed as well. Now things work as the following

  1. Read the <general> tag information from the XML configuration.
  2. Read configuration from the database.
  3. Read the full XML configuration.

This change makes it easier to have a safe setting in the XML configuration file that can’t be overwritten by changes in the database. The importance of this will be more clear when settings can be changed in the administrative web interface.


/Ake Hedman

ps There is a lot of bumblebees here on the VSCP hill right now, more than ever before. Must be a sign… 😉 ds