node-red VSCP

New version 1.2.5 of #nodered

The lastest version 1.2.5 of node-red now supports BinInt’s so now the event2value of pyvscp also works OK when the measurement coding is integers. So update if you experience this problem.

Release page

node-red socketcan VSCP

New release 1.0.7 of node-red-contrib-socketcan

node-red-contrib-socketcan (1.0.7) was published at 2020-09-29T07:13:01.967Z Fixes problem with format for received data.

node-red VSCP

howto: Notification when mail arrives

Remember the Howto: Snailmail sensor? Of course I need a notification on my phone when mail arrives so I can use my old legs and go out and get it.

I use email and Telegram for this. I also have added a SMS message to but this costs money (to much really) and I like “free”.

The setup is simple.


The first to do is to listen for incoming events from the VSCP daemon where the mailbox thing delivers them. I could have used a MQTT broker here but have chosen to stick to an all VSCP solution for this.

The server is the local machine in this case as I have node-red installed on it as well. Well I have about twelve (last count) node-red installations running here so there are machines to choose from.

The setup is simple

The localhost is setup as

I use a standard setup, just listen on all traffic (no filter), no interface. So at this point I get a lot of events. I could have added a filter here to ease the work for node-red and let the VSCP Daemon do the filtering. But I like when my applications work hard so node-red take care of that task.

Filtering is the next state. The filter looks like this

I filter on CLASS1.INFORMATION /VSCP_TYPE_INFORMATION_WOKEN_UP which is sent when the lid of the postbox is opened. I also filter on the GUID from the postbox device. The GUID from the device is a good example of a GUID derived from a devices MAC address. It is built from a template like this


where YY is the MAC address of the device and XX is something the designer can use the way he/she likes. Read more about this here if you are interested.

After the filter we now only get an event when the Woken up event is sent.


The email setup is using the standard email tool (node-red-node-email). Nothing special with this setup. Just plain old mail delivery.

Before the email node I specify the mail content

I think it is pretty clear from the above picture where all fields go in the email.

Nothing more to it. An email is now sent when physical post arrives.


Telegram is a perfect (and free) way to deliver/receive messages. There are apps and tools available for every platform. One just set up a bot (channel) and then subscribe to it on devices that should get the message. Download telegram first for your platform(s) (computer, tablet or phone).

Microsoft have a good walk through here on how to create a new bot. No need for me to repeat the steps.

In node-red I use the node-red-contrib-telegrambot node (telegram sender in this case). There are many other packages around but this one worked fine so I stick to it. My setup is like this


The token is the token you get from the setup. It looks something like this

The message needs to be defined here also and that is done in the stage before the telegram sender node. This is how I set it up

Now if you have installed Telegram on your phone/computer/tablet or whatever you will never miss the post delivery again and if you are fast enough you may even have time to wave to the postman/postgirl.

Here is the node-red code for this setup

[{"id":"8387a5b3.258038","type":"vscp-tcp-in","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","name":"Localhost","host":"eaaa0283.83ca08","username":"admin","password":"secret","filter":"","keyctx":"vscp2","x":140,"y":120,"wires":[["9fe6d87d.7e56d"]]},{"id":"9fe6d87d.7e56d","type":"vscpfilter","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","vscppriority":"","vscpclass":"20","vscptype":"29","vscpguid":"FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FE:5C:CF:7F:07:76:03:00:00","name":"Filter on Woken Up from mailbox","x":420,"y":120,"wires":[["b237b908.eb9ee8","e6bf6581.256c98"]]},{"id":"b8a49e5b.388688","type":"inject","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"Post","payloadType":"str","x":430,"y":220,"wires":[["b237b908.eb9ee8","e6bf6581.256c98"]]},{"id":"b237b908.eb9ee8","type":"function","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","name":"Define message","func":"msg = {\n payload : 'There is post to collect in the mailbox',\n topic : 'There is post',\n to : '',\n from: ''\n}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":820,"y":120,"wires":[["ccf59966.89df9"]]},{"id":"ccf59966.89df9","type":"e-mail","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","server":"","port":"25","secure":false,"tls":false,"name":"","dname":"Ljusnet","x":1000,"y":120,"wires":[]},{"id":"17d730fb.949a3f","type":"telegram sender","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","name":"telegram","bot":"42a44e6b.b2fde","x":1000,"y":220,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"e6bf6581.256c98","type":"function","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","name":"Define message","func":"\nmsg.payload = {};\nmsg.payload.chatId = \"1105118733\";\nmsg.payload.type = \"message\";\nmsg.payload.content = \"There are post to collect in the mailbox\";\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":820,"y":220,"wires":[["17d730fb.949a3f"]]},{"id":"eaaa0283.83ca08","type":"vscp-tcp-config-host","z":"","name":"Localhost","host":"localhost","port":"9598","timeout":"10000","interface":"","keepalive":""},{"id":"42a44e6b.b2fde","type":"telegram bot","z":"","botname":"pi11_bot","usernames":"brattberg_pi11_bot","chatids":"1234","baseapiurl":"","updatemode":"polling","pollinterval":"300","usesocks":false,"sockshost":"","socksport":"6667","socksusername":"anonymous","sockspassword":"","bothost":"","localbotport":"8443","publicbotport":"8443","privatekey":"","certificate":"","useselfsignedcertificate":false,"sslterminated":false,"verboselogging":false}]

If you want your computer to say “post is delivered” when mail arrives, add this

[{"id":"cb6535fa.e7dc38","type":"function","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","name":"Define message","func":"msg.payload = \"Post has been delivered\";\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":820,"y":300,"wires":[["6d1af59f.bb754c"]]},{"id":"6d1af59f.bb754c","type":"ui_audio","z":"5ffcb26.533894c","name":"sound","group":"b5541ba5.781d38","voice":"en-GB","always":true,"x":990,"y":300,"wires":[]},{"id":"b5541ba5.781d38","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Temperatures","tab":"b0073866.5d3d68","order":1,"disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"b0073866.5d3d68","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

Have fun!

node-js node-red VSCP

New version of node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp

A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp (1.2.2) was published at 2020-08-31T09:20:38.185Z

Fixes problem with transmit of events to VSCP host.


Low Code for the Node.js Developer – Nick O Leary, IBM

node-js node-red VSCP

node-vscp 1.1.17

A new version of the package node-vscp (1.1.17) was published at 2020-06-10T12:23:44.225Z

General HowTo's node-red VSCP

#node-red + #VSCP + PIR + door sensors howto

In a previous howto (Getting started with node-red-contrib-vscp) we were looking at how to display temperature data from VSCP modules in node-red. In this howto we will look at the same hardware setup but concentrate on output from one module in the setup, the CAN4VSCP Beijing module.

Beijing is a general I/O module which in this setup is used to detect input from three PIR sensors and three magnetic door sensors. The inputs are currently used like this

0Magnetic door sensor office door.
1Magnetic door sensor cellar door.
2Magnetic door sensor main entrance door.
4PIR sensor cellar.
5PIR sensor main entrance.
7PIR sensor inside of office door.

The Beijing module will send a CLASS1.INFORMATION, Type=ON/OFF event when any of the sensors are activated. The data for the events are defined as follows

Data byteDescription
0index. Often used as an index for channels within a module.
1Zone for which event applies to (0-255). 255 is all zones.
2Sub-zone for which event applies to (0-255). 255 is all sub-zones.

The index byte ( byte 0) will this contain the index for the PIR or switch as of above. Zone and subzone is used to indicate the sensors position and here I use bits 7,6,5 of the zone to indicate the floor (1 in this case) and the rest of the bits are set to the room number on that floor (2 in this case). Zone is therefore set to 0b00100010 = 0x22 = 34. Subzones are set to the same as the sensor index. Any schema of your own preference can be used for this. It is entirely up to the user.

The Beijing module is set to nickname id = 1. This is important as we need to filter on this nickname in case more PIR’s/switches are added in the future.

So as an example. If the main door is opened a CLASS1.INFORMATION, Type=ON (3) event will be sent and when it is closed again a CLASS1.INFORMATION, Type=OFF (4) event will be sent. The data will in both cases be

  • Byte 0 = 2 for main entrance door.
  • Byte 1 = 34, the set zone.
  • Byte 2 = 2, subzone for main entrance door.

In our node-red flow we start as in the previous howto with a connection to pi11 the Raspberry Pi that is connected to the Beijing module.

This is a vscp-tcp-in node and it is configured like this

Nothing fancy or strange here.

Without filtering we will get all events on the bus. But we are only interested in the events coming from the Beijing module with nickname = 1. So in the filter above we have decided to set a filter that only let events through from that specific module. This filter is set to the GUID for the interface the Beijing module is located on with the LSB set to the nickname of the Beijing module. Here


Filter setting is therefore

As a side note the vscpl1drv-can4vscp driver is used (CAN interface is the Frankfurt RS-232 module) and settings for it is

So now we will only get events from the Beijing module.

The next step is to create a flow for CLASS1.INFORMATION, Type=ON and CLASS1.INFORMATION, Type=OFF events like this

Both are VSCP filter nodes set up like this

and this

Just letting through the wanted events (it’s a filter – right).

We feed the output from each of these filters to a switch node

The filter nodes send the sensor index as msg.payload on there outputs. Both switch nodes is configured like this

We could have used a simple function node to handle this also of course. The main thing is that we now get a node-red message on the correct flow channel when a sensor is activated/deactivated. The content of the message is of no importance. We set this in the next step with a change node. We use the node-red-contrib-ui-state-trail to visualize the sensor states in the node-red UI.

Each of the change nodes just set the msg.payload to true or false to suite the UI node-red-contrib-ui-state-trail expected input. Like this (in the set to true case)

For the ui-state-trail nodes they are more or less configured the same, something like this

There are other possibilities here of course. But with settings like this the end result looks like this

You see current state of a sensor and get a 24 hour state trail. The front door is open here today as it is summer outside even here in the middle of Sweden.

There is one problem with this, and that is that we don’t have a state for a sensor before something actually happens at the sensor, that is if it detects movement or a door is opened/closed. This may be important or not for a specific setup.

Luckily the Beijing module also can be configured to send out i/o states with a preset interval. This ability solves this problem. The event used by Beijing for this is CLASS1.DATA Type=1 I/O which has it’s data content specified as

0Data coding.
1-7Data with format defined by byte 0.

For the Beijing module this is three bytes. The first byte, the VSCP data coding byte is set to zero. This says that the two bytes that follows is defined as bits and unit=0, sensorindex=0. The first of the two bytes holds output states and the second hold input states. This flow looks like this

First we filter out the CLASS1.DATA, Type=1 I/O events. Then we check which inputs are set and send true/false to the correct ui-state-trail node. The function node is simple and coded like this

// CLASS1.DATA, Type=1, I/O
// vscpData[0] - Datacoding
// vscpData[1] - Output states
// vscpData[2] - Input states

var msgarray = [
    { "payload": false },
    { "payload": false },
    { "payload": false },
    { "payload": false },
    { "payload": false },
    { "payload": false },
    { "payload": false },
    { "payload": false }

for ( i=0;i<8;i++) {
    if ( msg.payload.vscpData[2] & (Math.pow(2,i)) ) {
        msgarray[i].payload = true;
return msgarray;

The function node has eight outputs. Each is feed to the correct ui-state-trail node. Thats it.

With this in place we can now add alarms and control of automatic lights without much extra effort. You should also notice that even if we here use the CAN4VSCP module Beijing we could have used a mix of other techniques to receive the same result and functionality. If we at some point want to replace one of the PIR sensors with a Bluetooth or Zigbee solution we just need to code that sensor output as a VSCP event and everything will work as expected. The VSCP protocol is the abstraction that unite them all. Protocols and transfer techniques.

For reference is the node red flow and the Beijing module configuration listed below.

Have fun!

Node-red flow for howto

[{"id":"82af1478.db09a8","type":"ui_statetrail","z":"d55b6e63.6443a8","group":"86ca358f.1ef4f8","order":6,"width":"12","height":"2","name":"Office door state","label":"Office door state","states":[{"state":true,"col":"#009933","t":"bool","label":"Open"},{"state":false,"col":"#999999","t":"bool","label":"Closed"}],"periodLimit":"24","periodLimitUnit":"3600","timeformat":"HH:mm","tickmarks":4,"persist":false,"legend":"3","combine":true,"blanklabel":"","x":1120,"y":860,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"433ab88d.14a528","type":"vscpfilter","z":"d55b6e63.6443a8","vscppriority":"","vscpclass":"20","vscptype":"3","vscpguid":"","name":"CLASS1.INFORMATION, ON","x":200,"y":1000,"wires":[["e7c014db.d982f8"]]},{"id":"dba27e7e.901248","type":"vscpfilter","z":"d55b6e63.6443a8","vscppriority":"","vscpclass":"20","vscptype":"4","vscpguid":"","name":"CLASS1.INFORMATION, 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Office = false","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload","pt":"msg","to":"false","tot":"bool"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":690,"y":1500,"wires":[["f2f76475.1e32a"]]},{"id":"8d3f89ae.3e49d8","type":"vscp-tcp-in","z":"d55b6e63.6443a8","name":"pi11","host":"e596ab59.2b98c8","username":"admin","password":"__PWRD__","filter":"3f11c8c2.e2dcd","keyctx":"pi11a","x":70,"y":860,"wires":[["433ab88d.14a528","dba27e7e.901248","14d7cd7f.7e456b"]]},{"id":"14d7cd7f.7e456b","type":"vscpfilter","z":"d55b6e63.6443a8","vscppriority":"","vscpclass":"15","vscptype":"1","vscpguid":"","name":"CLASS1.DATA, I/O","x":170,"y":1740,"wires":[["e712b13e.7d21a8"]]},{"id":"e712b13e.7d21a8","type":"function","z":"d55b6e63.6443a8","name":"Check input states","func":"\n// CLASS1.DATA, Type=1, I/O\n// vscpData[0] - Datacoding\n// vscpData[1] - Output states\n// vscpData[2] - Input states\n\nvar msgarray = [\n    { \"payload\": false },\n    { \"payload\": false },\n    { \"payload\": false },\n    { \"payload\": false },\n    { \"payload\": false },\n    { \"payload\": false },\n    { \"payload\": false },\n    { \"payload\": false }\n];\n\nfor ( i=0;i<8;i++) {\n    if ( msg.payload.vscpData[2] & (Math.pow(2,i)) ) {\n        msgarray[i].payload = true;\n    }\n}\nreturn msgarray;","outputs":8,"noerr":0,"x":690,"y":1740,"wires":[["82af1478.db09a8"],["95de756f.fc4cf"],["f7dc6e17.85bd28"],["1dadefe2.73b87"],["6162e7b8.cc655"],["159222d2.262acd"],["bfc9343a.c2fde8"],["f2f76475.1e32a"]]},{"id":"86ca358f.1ef4f8","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"States","tab":"7cdacae9.143d2c","order":3,"disp":true,"width":"12","collapse":false},{"id":"e596ab59.2b98c8","type":"vscp-tcp-config-host","z":"","name":"pi11","host":"","port":"9598","timeout":"10000","interface":"","keepalive":"10000"},{"id":"3f11c8c2.e2dcd","type":"vscp-tcp-config-filter","z":"","name":"Only events from Beijing","filterPriority":"0","maskPriority":"0","filterClass":"0","maskClass":"0","filterType":"0","maskType":"0","filterGuid":"FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FD:C0:A8:01:2C:11:22:00:01","maskGuid":"FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"},{"id":"7cdacae9.143d2c","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

Beijing module configuration

Can be loaded with VSCP works.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
<register offset='0' page='0'>
Zone this module belongs to</description>
<register offset='1' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone
Sub zone this module belongs to</description>
<register offset='2' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 0
Sub zone for I/O channel 0</description>
<register offset='3' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 1
Sub zone for I/O channel 1</description>
<register offset='4' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 2
Sub zone for I/O channel 2</description>
<register offset='5' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 3
Sub zone for I/O channel 3</description>
<register offset='6' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 4
Sub zone for I/O channel 4</description>
<register offset='7' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 5
Sub zone for I/O channel 5</description>
<register offset='8' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 6
Sub zone for I/O channel 6</description>
<register offset='9' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 7
Sub zone for I/O channel 7</description>
<register offset='10' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 8
Sub zone for I/O channel 8</description>
<register offset='11' page='0'>
<description>Sub zone I/O 9
Sub zone for I/O channel 9</description>
<register offset='12' page='0'>
<description>I/O direction MSB
Most significant part of I/O directions register. Set bit to zero for output and
one for input.

Bit 7 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 4 - Reserved.
Bit 3 - Reserved.
Bit 2 - Reserved.
Bit 1 - Direction for I/O channel 9 - (RA0). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 0 - Direction for I/O channel 8 - (RA1). 0=output. 1=input.
<register offset='13' page='0'>
<description>I/O direction LSB
Least significant part of I/O directions register.Set bit to zero for output and
one for input.

Bit 7 - Direction for I/O channel 7 - (RA2). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 6 - Direction for I/O channel 6 - (RC7). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 5 - Direction for I/O channel 5 - (RC6). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 4 - Direction for I/O channel 4 - (RC5). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 3 - Direction for I/O channel 3 - (RC4). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 2 - Direction for I/O channel 2 - (RC3). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 1 - Direction for I/O channel 1 - (RB1). 0=output. 1=input.
Bit 0 - Direction for I/O channel 0 - (RB0). 0=output. 1=input.
<register offset='14' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 0 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='15' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 1 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='16' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 2 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='17' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 3 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='18' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 4 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='19' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 5 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='20' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 6 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='21' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 7 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='22' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 8 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='23' page='0'>
<description>I/O channel 9 status register
Read or write the state of I/O channel 0 in this register.
0 - is returned for an inactive input or a low output. A written zero will set an
output channel low.
1 - is returned for an active input or a high output. A written one will set an
output channel high.
<register offset='24' page='0'>
<description>Output 0 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='25' page='0'>
<description>Output 1 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='26' page='0'>
<description>Output 2 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='27' page='0'>
<description>Output 3 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='28' page='0'>
<description>Output 4 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='29' page='0'>
<description>Output 5 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='30' page='0'>
<description>Output 6 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='31' page='0'>
<description>Output 7 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='32' page='0'>
<description>Output 8 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='33' page='0'>
<description>Output 9 control register
The output control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as output.
Bit 0 - Enable pulse.
Bit 1 - If set: Alarm sent when protection timer triggers.
Bit 2 - Protection timer enable.
Bit 3 - Send On event when output goes to active state.
Bit 4 - Send Off event when output goes to inactive state.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable output.
<register offset='34' page='0'>
<description>Input 0 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='35' page='0'>
<description>Input 1 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='36' page='0'>
<description>Input 2 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='37' page='0'>
<description>Input 3 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='38' page='0'>
<description>Input 4 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='39' page='0'>
<description>Input 5 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='40' page='0'>
<description>Input 6 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='41' page='0'>
<description>Input 7 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='42' page='0'>
<description>Input 8 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='43' page='0'>
<description>Input 9 control register
The input control bits enable/disable intelligent functionality for a channel set
as input.
Bit 0 - Send On/TurnOn event when input goes to active state.
Bit 1 - Send Off/TurnOff event when input goes to inactive state.
Bit 2 - 0 = Send On/off events. 1=Send turnon/turnoff events (if activated).
 Different meaning in button input mode where 0 = TurnOn and 1 = TurnOff.
Bit 3 - Alarm event sent if input goes low.
Bit 4 - Alarm event sent if input goes high.
Bit 5 - Continuous alarm.
Bit 6 - Activate Button imput mode. Only TurnOff or TurnOn is sent when an input
goes low and button input mode is activated.
Bit 7 - Enable input.
<register offset='44' page='0'>
<description>Module Control register
It is possible to control general module behaviour in this register.
Bit 0 - Turn of input event repeat.
Bit 1 - Reserved.
Bit 2 - Reserved.
Bit 3 - Reserved.
Bit 4 - Reserved.
Bit 5 - Reserved.
Bit 6 - Reserved.
Bit 7 - Enable weak pullups.
<register offset='45' page='0'>
<description>Input stream sample time
This is the time in seconds between input stream samples. Set to zero to disable.
CLASS1.DATA is sent with data coding=0(bits), unit=0, sensor=0 for the inputs/outputs
as set here. First byte is outputs, second byte is inputs. </description>
<register offset='46' page='0'>
<description>Debounce count
This is the number of counts a button input signal should be low to be regarded as
actice. Each count represents 10 ms. </description>
<register offset='47' page='0'>
<description>Short pulse duration
This is the duration for the short pulse action. Each count represents 10 ms.  A
zero vaue gives a pulse that is the shortest possible. </description>
<register offset='0' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 0 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='1' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 0 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='2' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 1 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='3' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 1 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='4' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 2 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='5' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 2 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='6' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 3 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='7' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 3 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='8' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 4 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='9' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 4 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='10' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 5 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='11' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 5 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='12' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 6 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='13' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 6 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='14' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 7 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='15' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 7 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='16' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 8 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='17' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 8 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='18' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 9 MSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='19' page='1'>
<description>Output pulse time register for output 9 LSB
This is the pulse time for the each output expressed in seconds. This can be used
to make an output turn on and off with a certain preset interval. The min pulse time
is 1 second and the max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18 hours. Set to zero
(default) for no pulse time i.e. the output will be steady on/off.
To start a pulse sequence first write the pulse time to this register and then set
the corresponding bit in the output status register to start the output. The pulse
train is terminated by writing on or off (1 or 0) to the output status register.
<register offset='20' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 0 MSB
This is the output protection time. An output will be inactivated if not written
to before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='21' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 0 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='22' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 1 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='23' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 1 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='24' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 2 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='25' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 2 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='26' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 3 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='27' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 3 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='28' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 4 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='29' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 4 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='30' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 5 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='31' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 5 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='32' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 6 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='33' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 6 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='34' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 7 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='35' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 7 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='36' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 8 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='37' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 8 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='38' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 9 MSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='39' page='1'>
<description>Output protection time register for output 9 LSB
This is the output protection time. A output will be inactivated if not written to
before this time has elapsed.
Set to zero to disable (default). The max time is 65535 seconds which is about 18
The registers can be as an example be used as a security feature to ensure that
an output is deactivated after a preset time even if the controlling device failed
to deactivate the output. </description>
<register offset='0' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. Oaddr is
the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here.
0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags
is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. </description>
<register offset='1' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/sub
zone information of an event. That is the zone/sub zone of the machine must match
the one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='2' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='3' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of thsi decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='4' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='5' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='6' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='7' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 0: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='8' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. Oaddr is
the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here.
0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags
is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. </description>
<register offset='9' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/subzone
information of an event. That is the zone/sub zone of the machine must match the
one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='10' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='11' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='12' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='13' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='14' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='15' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 1: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='16' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. Oaddr is
the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here.
0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags
is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. </description>
<register offset='17' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/sub
zone information of an event. That is the zone/sub zone of the machine must match
the one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='18' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='19' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='20' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='21' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='22' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='23' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 2: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='24' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. Oaddr is
the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here.
0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags
is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. </description>
<register offset='25' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/sub
zone information of an event. That is the zone/sub zone of the machine must match
the one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='26' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='27' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='28' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='29' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='30' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='31' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 3: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='32' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. Oaddr is
the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here.
0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags
is set oaddr will notbe checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. </description>
<register offset='33' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/sub
zone information of an event. That is the zone/sub zone of the machine must match
the one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='34' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='35' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='36' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='37' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='38' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='39' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 4: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='40' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger  action. Oaddr
is the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given
here. 0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6
of flags is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted.
<register offset='41' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/sub
zone information of an event. That is the zone/sub zone of the machine must match
the one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='42' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='43' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='44' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='45' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='46' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='47' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 5: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='48' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. Oaddr is
the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here.
0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags
is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. </description>
<register offset='49' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/sub
zone information of an event. That is the zone/subzone one of the machine must match
the one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='50' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='51' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='52' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='53' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='54' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='55' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 6: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='56' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: Oaddr 
Originating address. Set to nickname for node that should trigger action. Oaddr is
the originating address. We are only interested in messages from the node given here.
0x00 is segment controller and 0xff is a node without a nickname. If bit 6 of flags
is set oaddr will not be checked and events from all nodes will be accepted. </description>
<register offset='57' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: flags 
Flags. Set selection behaviour.
The enable bit can be used to disable a decision matrix row while it is edited.
The zone and use sub zone bits can be activated to have a check on the zone/sub
zone information of an event. That is the zone/subzone one of the machine must match
the one of the event to trigger the DM row. </description>
<register offset='58' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: Class mask (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class mask that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class mask is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='59' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: Class filter (low eight bits) 
The lowest eight bits of the class filter that defines the events that should trigger
the action of this decision matrix row.
Bit 8 of the class filter is stored in bit 1 of the flag byte. </description>
<register offset='60' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: Type mask
Type mask that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='61' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: Type filter
Type filter that defines the events that should trigger the action of this decision
matrix row.</description>
<register offset='62' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: Action
This is the action or operation that should be performed if the filtering is satisfied.
Only action code 0x00 is predefined and means No-Operation. All other codes are application
specific and typical application defined codes could do measurement, send predefined
event etc.</description>
<register offset='63' page='2'>
<description>Decision matrix row 7: Action parameter
A numeric action parameter can be set and its meaning is application specific.</description>
<register offset='128' page='0'>
<description>Alarm Status Register</description>
<register offset='129' page='0'>
<description>VSCP Major version number</description>
<register offset='130' page='0'>
<description>VSCP Minor version number</description>
<register offset='131' page='0'>
<description>Node Control Flags
<register offset='132' page='0'>
<description>User ID 0</description>
<register offset='133' page='0'>
<description>User ID 1</description>
<register offset='134' page='0'>
<description>User ID 2</description>
<register offset='135' page='0'>
<description>User ID 3</description>
<register offset='136' page='0'>
<description>User ID 4</description>
<register offset='137' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer device id 0</description>
<register offset='138' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer device id 1</description>
<register offset='139' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer device id 2</description>
<register offset='140' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer device id 3</description>
<register offset='141' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer sub device id 0</description>
<register offset='142' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer sub device id 1</description>
<register offset='143' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer sub device id 2</description>
<register offset='144' page='0'>
<description>Manufacturer sub device id 3</description>
<register offset='145' page='0'>
<description>Nickname id</description>
<register offset='146' page='0'>
<description>Page select register MSB</description>
<register offset='147' page='0'>
<description>Page select register LSB</description>
<register offset='148' page='0'>
<description>Firmware major version number</description>
<register offset='149' page='0'>
<description>Firmware minor version number</description>
<register offset='150' page='0'>
<description>Firmware sub minor version number</description>
<register offset='151' page='0'>
<description>Boot loader algorithm</description>
<register offset='152' page='0'>
<description>Buffer Size</description>
<register offset='153' page='0'>
<description>Number of register pages used.</description>
<register offset='208' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 15, MSB
<register offset='209' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 14</description>
<register offset='210' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 13</description>
<register offset='211' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 12</description>
<register offset='212' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 11</description>
<register offset='213' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 10</description>
<register offset='214' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 9</description>
<register offset='215' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 8</description>
<register offset='216' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 7</description>
<register offset='217' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 6</description>
<register offset='218' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 5</description>
<register offset='219' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 4</description>
<register offset='220' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 3</description>
<register offset='221' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 2</description>
<register offset='222' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 1</description>
<register offset='223' page='0'>
<description>GUID Byte 0, LSB</description>
<register offset='224' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL, MSB</description>
<register offset='225' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='226' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='227' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='228' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='229' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='230' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='231' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='232' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='233' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='234' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='235' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='236' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='237' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='238' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='239' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='240' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='241' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='242' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='243' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='244' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='245' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='246' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='247' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='248' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='249' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='250' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='251' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='252' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='253' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='254' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL</description>
<register offset='255' page='0'>
<description>Module Description File URL, LSB</description>
node-js node-red VSCP

Can’t get any easier

VSCP + node-red

node-js node-red VSCP

node-red-contrib-vscp 1.2.1

A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp (1.2.1) was published at 2020-05-26T12:12:59.368Z 
node-js node-red VSCP

node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp 1.2.1

A new version of the package node-red-contrib-vscp-tcp (1.2.1) was published at 2020-05-26T10:41:46.667Z