CAN4VSCP Vilnius

New product – Vilnius


The product page is here.

Vilnius A/D module is a CAN4VSCP based module that have four 10-bit A/D channels for  0-5V or 0-10V and also have two 5V I/O channels that can be set as inputs or outputs. General use is to read analog values and as all other VSCP modules you can get the readings reported automatically with a user specified period.

It is also possible to report A/D readings as a VSCP measurement linearized as a floating point value from the formula

measurement = k * A/D-value + m

where k and m are configurable 32-bit floating point constants. You have full control of which event is sent and which unit is used.

This means you can send out any A/D reading as a real unit such as voltage, temperature or in  any other SI specified unit.

You can also assign alarm limits so that alarm events are sent when the level goes above a certain value or below a certain value.

Two I/O channels are available. Both can individually be set as inputs or outputs.  ON/OFF or TurnOn/TurnOff events can be sent out when I/O change state.

The module can be attached to a standard DIN Rail or be mounted directly on a wall. The mounting enclosures are ordered as separate options when the module is ordered.

The module fully adopts to the VSCP CAN4VSCP specification and can be powered directly over  the bus cable with a good 9-28V DC power source. This means there is no need for a separate power cable. VSCP CAN modules are designed to work on a VSCP4CAN bus which use ordinary RJ-45 connectors or use the daisy chain pinhead which can be used to connect modules that are mounted close to each other.  For the bus a CAT5 or better twisted pair cable is used. Bus length can have a total length of 500 meters with drops of maximum 24 meters length (up to a total of 120 meters). As for all VSCP4CAN modules the communication speed is fixed at 125 kbps.

All VSCP modules contains information of there own setup, manual, hardware version, manufacturer etc. When VSCP modules are started up they have a default functionality that often is all  that is needed to get a working setup. If the module have something to report it will send you an event and if it is setup to react on a certain type of event it will do it’s work when you send event(s) to it.  It does not need to be harder than that.


NRfMon – nano Spectrum Analyzer with the RFM12B – JeeLabs Café – JeeLabs . net


Source: NRfMon – nano Spectrum Analyzer with the RFM12B – JeeLabs Café – JeeLabs . net


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Meet ESP32, New Big Brother to IoT Board ESP8266 | Make:

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Source: Meet ESP32, New Big Brother to IoT Board ESP8266 | Make:


Will talk about VSCP and IoT on Paris conference


Will talk about VSCP and IoT on the with the best, Paris conference 16/1 2016.

The world is «many», not «one», and it will always will be that way. Just as different cars drive on the same side of the road and adhear to the same rules, protocols and solutions in IoT and M2M must come to understandings that make them work beside each other and togheter. What we see today is efforts on standardizing the «roads» while we really need to standardize on how we «travel» on them. This is really no different then what HTML did for hypertext in the past and which made the world wide web a success. To take an example a temperature sent from a device must always be understood by a receiving device to be useful for it, which means it’s coding and its unit must be coded in a standard way. Obvious to us all maybe, but not something the IoT/M2M standardizing groups work with today.VSCP have solution for this and for device discovery, uniform configuration, self contained and serverless functionality, firmware updates and is free and open and will stay that way. It works equally well if commnication is through a cable or over the air and it makes sure that the sender and the receiver understands each other. In this talk I will pinpoint the problems and the trenfs and present one possible solution to the problem.




Homebridge can be a nice companion for people who are into home automation.



Learn |

Source: Learn |


VSCP light control

In our house VSCP is used to control some lights that should be on when it’s dark. Surprised today when they light up at about 14:30.   Had to check if the calculations are right and they are.

We are heading against midwinter which will take place at the 22 of December.  It will be darker still here in the middle of Sweden’s outbacks. But at least some light opposite the northern parts of Sweden. But after the 22’nd we all head against the light again. That is what X-mas is all about.


pizero w1

The secret: Raspberry Pi Zero W1 wireless card



A wireless HAT for the Raspberry Pi Zero. WTFBut shhh… this is a big secret. 

Will be available in the Frogshop soon.

Grodans Paradis AB


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