Source: mjg59 | Linux Foundation quietly drops community representation
Fridge temp. Harmless? #VSCP #IoT
The diagrams above may seem harmless enough. The temperature in a fridge in our house. Sent to ThingSpeak by a VSCP Daemon and received from a Kelvin temperature node. But the knee on the fridge temperature diagram show that I open the door to get my lunch. And this information can of course be used. If the door opens from time to time someone is home, if not… Other patterns can also be discovered. Better if data as often as possible stay as close to the user as possible.
Live data is here.
By 2020, half of new business processes and systems will incorporate elements of the internet of things, but will be expensive, liable to overrun and extremely vulnerable.
Source: Enterprise IoT projects will be costly, lengthy and vulnerable, says Gartner
Open.Audio – STMicroelectronics
The Open.AUDIO licensing program simplifies the evaluation, design, and development of embedded audio architectures enabled by ST’s MEMS microphones and the STM32 Open Development Environment.
Source: Open.Audio – STMicroelectronics
Performing IMAP queries via curl
aptitude install curl
Source: Performing IMAP queries via curl
Cream – Audio and neuroscience
Source: Cream – Audio and neuroscience