
Sponsoring #VSCP #IoT #m2m

We today got a  EUR 50 donation from Dinesh Guleria, New Dehli, India to the project.  Thank you Dinesh!

Besides the money, which is  very much-needed to keep this project going with servers and all other stuff that need to be held active, the belief in the project, from an other human being far away, which a contribution like this is a proof of, is worth thousand and thousands  times more than the actual money.  So this is big.

I thank you Dinesh, and all other people around the world, that decided to support the project. I do this  from the deepest rooms of my heart. You will never be forgotten and for me your unselfish action is the proof that there actually is good in the world after all.

Ake Hedman
Maintainer of the free and open VSCP project.


Telenor Connexion » Northstream – Connectivity Technologies for IoT – Full Report

Source: Telenor Connexion » Northstream – Connectivity Technologies for IoT – Full Report


How To Save The Princess In 8 Programming Languages

Source: How To Save The Princess In 8 Programming Languages





The wireless limitation #IoT #m2m #vscp

3d Illustration of Blue Wireless Background or Wallpaper
3d Illustration of Blue Wireless Background or Wallpaper

For test purposes I have set up a system with a number of the cheapest possible 433MHz wireless switches that turn on some lights in our house when the sun goes down and turn them off around 2 in the night.  This is controlled by a  VSCP daemon. Not a very exciting installation for sure, many have this kind of thing installed and the VSCP daemon is definitely a lot of power wasted for this tiny functionality.

But the job is done. When VSCP calculates that the sun has gone down lights go on and at the scheduled turn off time they go off.  I even have some lamps out at the garage (30 meters from the controller)  that is switched this way. It works well. Most of the time that is. I don’t know why, maybe it is dependent on different weather conditions, but sometimes a lamp will not tun on or turn off.  One problem here of course being that the cheap 433MHz switches are communicating one way. The controlling system does not actually get a response back from the switching device telling that it actually did the switch. A two way system would definitely improve things. But it’s good enough. 99% of the time lamps go on and of as they should. Perfectly OK for this type of setup.

But then for about a month ago  things started to work very badly. Most of the time switches did not switch on. It was more like 10% good operation instead of 99%. After replacing everything and testing all hardware, I am the type that first blame my own systems when something goes wrong, I notices that also the hand controllers that comes with the switches did not work well.  For some parts of the house I had to go as close as a few decimetres to the switch to make it controllable. Changing batteries did not improve anything.

The question is of course. What was this?  I radio engineer I know told me I probably have something disturbing my system. To see an prove  that I needed a spectrum analyser, which I did not have of course. But to , again, be sure that there was not any of my equipment that made this happen I turned off everything I could think of in the house.  But things did not improve. This came from some external source.

The other day things started to work again. Just like that. It all lasted for almost a month. I still have no clue what caused it. Probably at that time a disturbing source was turned off.  A source unknown to me.

Now this was no big deal. We can turn on lamps by hand still in this house. And if we don’t, nothing bad happens. But we also know that wireless systems are used for elderly alarm systems, house control systems,  burglar alarms and things like that.  What had happened in this scenario if I was an elderly that had fallen and pushed the emergency button on my wristband? Or if I had my sensors in my alarm system connected wireless and some burglar decided to grab my computers (and our stack of gold)  just this month.  And in the case of the wristband and probably for most sensors a two way system would not help much. Things would be bad.

It is very easy to build a scrambler that make any ISM wireless system go useless. I don’t think criminals are less aware of that fact  then the rest  of us. So burglar alarms, or any alarm system,  should probably not use wireless sensors at all to be safe. But they do.

There are solutions. A controller can go out and check sensors from time to time and alarm if communication  is not working. Battery devices would love that. And people love to change batteries after all. But it would at least improve the systems.  But still people can come into our recent position. Suddenly the system does not work. Everything individually appears to be working.  Switching gear does not help. It is “something unknown in the air” causing the problem. What to do?

Yes wireless system are convenient.  But sometimes cables still are superior. We must just remember that when we run blindly after everyone else in the same direction as they run.


TODO’s of #VSCP #IoT #m2m


For people who want to keep track of the TODO’s of VSCP (OR help out by taking on one of the points)  the (ever-growing) list is here.


What is brewing? #VSCP #IoT #m2m


When things are silent it means that things are brewing here at the Paradise of the frog. Currently the REST interface is getting some work.

This work is due to the user and access-right fields added to variables.  Yes there will be an owner of the variable, and there will be others that can or can not have access to it.  The access rights are the same as in Unix. RWX grouped in three pairs UGO where U=user, G=group and O=other. So 0x777 means everyone can read, write and execute the variable, 0x744 mean the owner can do everything with the variable but everyone else can only read it.

To execute a variable may sound strange. But as you are able to store LUA or JavaScript in a variable this definitely has its meaning. And yes JavaScript is available in the VSCP daemon now.

All main interfaces support variables so when the REST work is done (this week?) variables can be handled over the REST, TCP/IP and the websocket interfaces with the same ease.

The goal with the work at the moment is to have a working administrative web-based interface before the end of the year. This is hard work for me as I am a low-end and embedded programmer but as usual if no one else does it you have to do it yourself. Well very disappointed of course as this slow down things (and makes me poorer) but what the heck ” a man got to do what a man got to do” and I am sure that is true for woman to.

Have fun!


Great idea about Open Source Hardware projects marking

Yesterday I got notification about this video and watched it, and I was amazed. Dave got to the root of the problem and found genius solution how to handle it! We all know that “Open Source H…

Source: Great idea about Open Source Hardware projects marking | olimex


What It Costs to Run Let’s Encrypt – Let’s Encrypt – Free SSL/TLS Certificates

Today we’d like to explain what it costs to run Let’s Encrypt. We’re doing this because we strive to be a transparent organization, we want people to have some context for their contributions to the project, and because it’s interesting.

Source: What It Costs to Run Let’s Encrypt – Let’s Encrypt – Free SSL/TLS Certificates


Success for me, no meaning for mankind


Ripping things apart and building it together again is hard. We all know that. That is exactly what I am doing with the VSCP program suite at the moment. So messages as the one above, from the REST interface of the VSCP daemon is great happenings. Meaning things are coming into place again. Slowly.