
State of VSCP

Next version – 15.0.0

The daemon have all functionality in place and is pretty stable. Drivers still needs some work. Today all Level I drivers are working, the logger, tcp/ip, automation and socketcan is in place for Level II.

Hopefully there will be a beta in February. Want websocket support in driver form before I release it.

HLO – High Level Object

HLO is a way to communicate with a device or any other VSCP aware “thingi” using high level commands (link). It’s been in the specification for a while but I never did a test implemention of it. One though has been to use HLO to be able to configure drivers (L2). I have done a test of this for the level II logger driver now that works over MQTT. Tcp/ip, websockets, udp and rest is possible to of course. It works as expected and I will make this available for all drivers.

VSCP Works +

VSCP Works is still not in a state in which it can be released. Mainly this is because I skipped Electron and restarted the development from scratch using qt. This work still has a long way to go. But eventually…


Sparkplug (link, link) is the first open source protocol aside of VSCP that have addressed the issue of interoperability. I have been waiting twenty years for that. But Sparkplug may be the thing. I am glad to see it because this is the area that needs most attention in the IoT and IIoT arena as I see it and has always been. Take a look.

The list

Removed the Google based discussion list. With the low traffic in it is served no use. Use GitHub for discussions instead. Most people send me direct mails, and that is OK, but it is much better to use the resources on GitHub so I just need to answer a question ones and so other people can jump in to the discussions as well.

Development (personal reflection)

My development efforts has been slow and it’s been hard work in the beginning of this year. Is it worth it pops up from time to time and more so this year. I am never able to answer that question. Or rather I dare not do so. What I know is that there is many joyful moments in this development process. Moments of gold. But of course, as in any process of this size, most of the development process is just daily hard, lonely and tedious work. Striving in a direction targeted against some virtual “ready” marker. Then reaching it and starting it all over again.

It’s been a bit more speed in the development process lately, so don’t mark this project as (fully) dead yet.

Have fun!

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