
Announcing ESP-ZeroCode Modules for Building Matter-Compatible, Smart-Home Devices with Ease | Espressif Systems

Espressif’s ESP-ZeroCode Modules have been created to simplify the building of Matter-compatible, smart-home devices.

Source: Announcing ESP-ZeroCode Modules for Building Matter-Compatible, Smart-Home Devices with Ease | Espressif Systems


Stacey on IoT | More Matter

Source: Stacey on IoT | More Matter


BLE HAN P1 reader

So finally the new cards arrive from jlcpcb, the cards for the HAN P1 BLE interface. First test is to see if the fit in the box I selected. It is a check on that one. One of the mounting holes is a bit of but not to bad to be a show stopper.

The construction is open a free of course. As usual and always. After all I have made it my life to give away everything for free.

In a perfect world I would have entered the soldering desk to mount a card and test it out, but I am deep into BLE mesh at the moment. It is still VSCP of course. BLE mesh is just a carrier. That is fun to. I promise.

But nest week I hope I will have a chance to put this card to the test. I will keep you guys updated.


Bluetooth Mesh: The Ultimate Guide

Source: Bluetooth Mesh: The Ultimate Guide



I follow a seminar about Matter and like it a lot. A product needs to go through a certification process. The cost is high as always. Not so fun anymore.

The question is if it is worth the effort to build and sell Matter products that are not certified?


A new kid in town

ESP32-C3 based thingi in the works.


CAN Priority Inversion | Dr. Ken Tindell

The problem of priority inversion is well-known and.. actually, scratch that: it’s clearly not well known at all because people keep making the same mistake. So we are publishing this to try and explain the problem (with reference to CAN) in the hope that a search engine indexes this and puts it high enough up the search results for people to find.

Source: CAN Priority Inversion | Dr. Ken Tindell

Worth reading while not a problem in VSCP for most cases. But VSCP uses it’s priority bits and if building real time systems this should also be thought of for VCSP.



Don’t give up…

Maybe it is time to give up. 🙂



Can as well go on vacation now until spring is here as it looks.


How MQTT on Narrowband-IoT Can Ruin Your Project – Embedded Computing Design

But VSCP is a perfect match! (If I may say so myself… :/)

MQTT is a popular protocol for connecting Internet of Things (IoT). But it’s incompatible with Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) – an increasingly popular communications standard for most IoT projects. It works fine during prototyping, giving companies the false impression that MQTT is the right choice of protocol.But chances are high that products using MQTT will suffer performance issues or completely malfunction when they’re in the field. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that many manufacturers and system integrators aren’t aware of the consequent risks: high-expense support efforts, the need to reengage development teams, problems in distributing firmware updates to the device fleet, and product recalls.

Source: How MQTT on Narrowband-IoT Can Ruin Your Project – Embedded Computing Design