Development VSCP

#VSCP project autogenerated files with units

Units for all measurements and conversion between them is now included in the autogenerated databases and in autogenerated JSON and XML files. Also ASCII and UTF8 symbols are included for each measurement unit.

The unit definitions and formats relay on the mustche format with JavaScript (pseudo) code for the conversion. Simple tools can be used in a project handle this. For this the default unit always is defined as


That is the value (which is a floating point value) is always substituted on it’s own by mustache. For the other unit’s for a specific measurement there are mathematical expressions added to convert that unit to the default unit. With this schema all units can be converted to every other defined unit by first converting it to the default unit.

As an example, for temperature measurements this looks like this

  • unit = 0 (default) is Kelvin: {{val}}
  • unit = 1 is Celsius: {{val}} + 273.15
  • unit = 2 is Fahrenheit: ({{val}} – 273.15) * 1.8 + 32.0
  • unit = 3 is undefined.

A helper for event display is <b>render</b> which for the moment is only defined for vscpworks but can have formats defined for other presenter software as well. The definitions for measurement renderings as an example looks like this today

    <vscpworks template=" 
       {{lbl-start}}Unit: {{lbl-end}} = {{unitstr}} [{{unit}}]{{newline}} 
       {{lbl-start}}Sensorindex: {{lbl-end}} = {{sensorindex}}{{newline}} 
       {{lbl-start}}Value: {{lbl-end}} = {{val}}{{symbol}}{{newline}} " /> 

Mustache is also used here for variable substitution. More info is here.

You find the auto generated files here


The Ultimate Guide to Mac Backup in 2021 | TheSweetBits

The Ultimate Guide to Mac Backup in 2021 Articles • Updated on Feb.22, 2021 It’s 2021 and it’s time to back up your computer now. Before we talk about Mac data backup, let’s have a word on Data Security and Apple.Devices from Apple are

Source: The Ultimate Guide to Mac Backup in 2021 | TheSweetBits


State of VSCP

A short update from the VSCP makers. Yes me. The one and only. At least when it comes to development efforts on VSCP.

The work on the new VSCP Works version continues. It is a lot of dialogboxes and other stuff to do before the fun stuff can be implemented. But the work is moving in the right direction. The first session handling (event logger) for tcp/ip, canal and mqtt should soon be in place. The others, socketcan, udp, multicast, rest, ws1,ws2, rawcan, rawmqtt will take a bit more time to finish. The nice thing with this is that the transports all get a pluggable common API. Very easy to switch transport in other words and the possibility to build other functionality like reading/writing registers etc on top of this API. This code must be low level and is only dependent on C++ 11 and openssl.

But hopefully I can get some alpha code for VSCP works out soon now so testing can take place by the brave. It’s really the packaging that prevent me from doing this today. This work takes so much time.

Last Friday I decided to decided to give the Windows port of VSCP Works a try. It is now a long time since I been doing any development on Windows, but having been there for way over 10000h I thought this should be an easy task. I was wrong. Gave up. To some extent this giving up is due to me not having a Windows machine for development. I do this work through a remote desktop interface. Not optimal. But I will come back to this later again. There will be a windows port. Last Friday was not just the day to dig deep enough to make it real.

For the VSCP daemon it just sits and wait for release. I need to make some decisions on some low level issues and have some drivers to fix before it can go out through my old red door.

LoRaWan with its small packet size and speed is a perfect for VSCP (of course). I need some hardware to do some coding/demo with it. So if someone have a board or two (and a gateway) they have no need for… 😉

But writing “state of VSCP” does not help much in getting things ready for release. This have to be bye, bye for now, I have some coding to do.

As always I want to thank the sponsors of VSCP. Your support is of great, GREAT, help in this effort.

Take care everyone!


LoRa-E5 STM32WLE5JC Module, embedded SX126X and MCU for LoRaWAN Wireless Sensor Network & IoT devices – EU868 & US915 – Seeed Studio

LoRa-E5 LoRaWAN module is designed with ST system-level package chip STM32WLE5JC, ARM Cortex M4 ultra-low-power MCU and LoRa SX126X. It supports (G)FSK mode and LoRa. 62.5kHz, 125kHz, 250kHz, and 500kHz bandwidth can be used in LoRa® mode, making it suitable for the design of various IoT nodes, supporting EU868 and US915.

Source: LoRa-E5 STM32WLE5JC Module, embedded SX126X and MCU for LoRaWAN Wireless Sensor Network & IoT devices – EU868 & US915 – Seeed Studio


Driving innovation in IoT connectivity with STM32 LoRa-enabled SoC, from theory to practice online workshop

Driving innovation in IoT connectivity with STM32 LoRa-enabled SoC, from theory to practice online workshop

Source: Driving innovation in IoT connectivity with STM32 LoRa-enabled SoC, from theory to practice online workshop


Cisco, TH1NG och IoT Open i praktiken – Inspelning 

Simple, modern video meetings for everyone on the world’s most popular and trusted collaboration platform.

Source: WebEx Enterprise Site – Replay Recorded Meeting




Open Source Hardware STMP1-OLinuXino-LIME2 industrial grade Linux computer update – Debian Buster and Ubuntu Focal with mainline Kernel 5.10.12 now supports almost everything | olimex

STMP1-OLinuXino-LIME2 Industrial grade Linux Computer project took us almost an year of work to build proper software support for our hardware with mainline uboot and kernel. ST demo board uses Yoc…

Source: Open Source Hardware STMP1-OLinuXino-LIME2 industrial grade Linux computer update – Debian Buster and Ubuntu Focal with mainline Kernel 5.10.12 now supports almost everything | olimex


#VSCP docs

node-red VSCP

#node-red #VSCP tools