
vscpl2drv-logger release 15.0.0

VSCP level II driver for diagnostic logging. It makes it possible to log VSCP events from a source to a file. Three formats of the log file is currently supported. Either a standard text string i logged for for each event or logging entries can be logged on XML or JSON format. The advantage of the later is that it can be read by VSCP works and further analyzed there. Several drivers can be used to write logging data to different output files and using different filter/masks for complex logging.

Also this is the first level II driver that implement the HLO configuration interface (shown in the picture above).

Binaries can be downloaded from

Docs are here

Repository is here


vscpl2drv-websrv release 15.0.0

VSCP level II driver that implements implements a full web-server, VSCP websocket ws1 and ws2 interfaces, and a VSCP REST interface. Server side LUA and Javascript is supported among many other techniques are fully supported in the same way that was part of the VSCP daemon in releases pre 15.0.0.

Binaries can be downloaded from

Docs are here

Repository is here


vscpl2drv-tcpipsrv version 15.0.0

VSCP level II driver that implements the VSCP tcp/ip link protocol server in the same way as the server that was part of VSCP daemon in releases pre 15.0.0.

Binaries can be downloaded from

Docs are here

Repository is here


vscpl2drv-tcpiplink version 15.0.0

VSCP level II driver that implements the VSCP client side tcp/ip link protocol.

Binaries can be downloaded from

Docs are here

Repository is here


Auto generated #VSCP files

Auto generated VSCP files has been added to the VSCP docs collection page.


What we do | Senseair

Senseair is a global, high technology company that develops and manufactures air sensor solutions for CO2 and alcohol, based on cutting-edge NDIR technology. Senseair has subsidiaries in Sweden, Germany and China. As an industry leader with over 20 patented products, Senseair strives to continue to deliver innovative and cost-efficient solutions to customers and retailers all around the world. In April 2018, Asahi Kasei Group Company bought the company and has chosen to invest in the Swedish business. Today, around 150 employees work nationally within the company, in Delsbo, Kista, and Västerås. Within the next five years, we aim to double our workforce and we are always interested in employing new competence.

Source: What we do | Senseair


Phosphorus 15.0.0

The VSCP Daemon Phosphorus 15.0.0

It is my pleasure to announce that it is now time for release 15.0.0 Phosphorus of the VSCP & Friends package. From version 15 each component will be shipped separately and first out is the VSCP daemon, the server for the VSCP IoT system.

The code for the full VSCP software framework has been fully rewritten and is now C++ standard based. There is no dependencies on external frameworks at all anymore. License is MIT.

The goals for the software part of the project has changed.

First: node-red and similar high level tools will be used for user interface and scheduling tasks.

Secondly: MQTT is now a central part of VSCP and the VSCP daemon is dependent on it to work. VSCP is a good fit for MQTT.

Third: much of the functionality that previously was built into the VSCP daemon is now available as drivers. This is true for the tcp/ip interface, the web server, the two websocket servers and the rest interface and some other functionality like remote variables that will follow.

This release in fact make the VSCP daemon a low level interface to a MQTT based system. A low end driver can be hooked on to the VSCP daemon and the nodes handled by it (if any), or driver embedded functionality, can connect through the VSCP daemon and interface to a MQTT based system.

VSCP stands for the Very Simple Control Protocol, but is nowadays, with it’s existence for more than two decades, more of an IoT/m2m framework. The most important part is still to make sure that a measurement, command etc, is interpreted at the source the same way as it was expected to be by the originator.

The VSCP daemon can be downloaded here. Packages for Debian based systems (also Raspberry Pi) is available. Windows install files will be available later.

If you want to know more about the VSCP framework the project home page is a good start. Most docs are here and especially for the VSCP daemon here. If you want to discuss VSCP this is the place to do so. If you find bugs or problems issue a ticket here

Of course I need to thank my sponsors at this stage. Your support has been a great help.

/Ake Hedman


New release of the VSCP helper library

New release of the VSCP Helper library 15.0.0

The helper library is a C library for the VSCP IoT/m2m framework. See the repository main page for installation information and links to full documentation.

This is a full rewrite and update of the VSCP helper library to be compliant with the new 15.0.0 release.

Binaries for Debian/Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi is available. Windows binaries will follow. Also the Python, node-red, none.js bindings will be updated soon.


Adafruit interviews Siemens – SupplyFrame, the future of Hackaday, Tindie, and more « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!

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Source: Adafruit interviews Siemens – SupplyFrame, the future of Hackaday, Tindie, and more « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!


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Source: PlatformIO Open Source May Updates | PlatformIO Labs