At the same time the work with the user interface is forming our French team member, Jean-Marc Beaune is working on a maintenance interface for the VSCP databases.
Author: admin
The new #VSCP user interface #Iot #m2m
I am definitely not the right person for ux design work. I have been an embedded programmer and a driver programmer all my life. But still I am currently working on the VSCP user interface, and despite my background, it definitely comes to life. In the above picture the remote variable interface is shown. DM handling. User handling, event sessions, device boot load and driver load, reload will be part of this interface. In the end hopefully all functionality of the VSCP works tool will be available here to.
Sponsoring #VSCP #IoT #m2m
We today got a EUR 50 donation from Gediminas Simanskis, Vilnius, Lithuania to the project. Thank you Gediminas!
Besides the money, which is very much-needed to keep this project going, with servers and all other stuff that needs to be held active, the belief in the project, from an other human being far away, which a contribution like this is a proof of, is worth thousand and thousands times more than the actual money. So this is big.
I thank you Gediminas, and all other people around the world, that decided to support the project. I send this thank you from the deepest rooms of my heart. You will never be forgotten and for me your unselfish action is the proof that there actually is good in the world after all.
Ake Hedman
Maintainer of the free and open VSCP project.
The people behind #VSCP #IoT #m2m
3D Gerber Viewer | Mayhew Labs
This tool is free for anyone to use. If you find it useful please consider donating to help us continue work on it. Your support will go directly to funding
Source: 3D Gerber Viewer | Mayhew Labs
Autumn games #VSCP #IoT #m2m
Many of our products is designed to be mounted on a DIN rail or at least they have an option to be mounted in this convenient way. There are a number of advantages with the DIN rail as mounting tool. The most important is the vast choice one get if one want to mount equipment in boxes of various sizes and IP classes. You can mount things outside in harsh environments or on a more dry and forgiving office wall just as easy.
The Raspberry Pi DIN rail mount kit, which now is available in the frogshop, makes it very easy to mount a Raspberry Pi card either horizontally or vertically on a DIN rail. The kit contains everything you need to get the job done. There is a possibility to mount a DC-DC module (like this one) under the Raspberry Pi card to power the Pi.
You can view the easy mounting instructions here.
This DIN rail mounting should not be compared with weaker plastic toy models that are available on the market .
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