Author: admin
It’s a special kind of happiness when something that just been a though in your head turns into something you can hold in your hand. I never get tired of that process. Its a bit like having another kid actually. Every time.
Stacey Higginbotham’s weekly Internet of Things news update and analysis.
Best explanation I have ever seen (so far).
Does it fit?
Will it fit? is always the first test. Pugh, it did! Now it should work to…
Eventually this will be a wireless CAN4VSCP gateway. Oh well it already is but still some more programming is needed. VSCP tcp/ip link interface, UDP, MQTT, BLE for this wifi device. OTA updateable of course.
Also a HAN P1 interface board entered the office today. Interfacing electricity meters is popular today.
The pcb’s are made by jlcpcb and I am VERY satisfied with the service and quality from them. There is nothing like it. Important is that I don’t get a single cent from anyone to tell you that.
Espressif ESP32-C3
If you work with esp32-c3 or plan to work with it, this project might come in handy as a JTAG debug setup.
I really love the esp32-c3 for it’s built in JTAG. Just connect USB to the chip and it gives you a JTAG interface and a serial channel. No extra hardware needed. I am in Love! Definitely! Even the price is very good.
The setup makes it easy to connect to openocd and gdb and get every bug out of your code. Take a look.
Btw: If you work with other eps32’s the setup can be used for them also but need an external JTAG adapter.
OK – Back again
A new version of the package node-red-contrib-socketcan (1.2.9) was published at 2022-08-09T19:03:14.418Z
Fixed buffer send problem.
Security updates.
Available here.
Again it’s time to say thank you to the VSCP project sponsors. Your support has been of more value for the project then I can express. This month there was some extra money in the sponsor transfer (I don’t know the origin for this money), a very generous amount. I will use this money for components for the new projects coming up after the the summer vacation. All free and open as always.
Thanks again!
Lastly I wish everyone a happy midsummer.
Not easy to be in the electronics business these days.