
How to keep the #VSCP daemon up an running

It can be very important for a setup that the VSCP daemon is running all the time. If it dies, critical functionality may not work anymore.  Luckily there are tools to help. I have found m/monit to be very useful for this.

The setup is simple and instead of me repeating it here you can follow  excellent this guide.

When things work add the following lines to the m/monit configuration file (/etc/monit/monitrc)

check process vscpd with pidfile /var/run/vscpd/
start program = “/etc/init.d/vscpd start”
stop program = “/etc/init.d/vscpd stop”
if failed
port 8080
protocol http
request “/vscp/index.html”
then restart
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

and you will be fully covered.   m/monit will detect when the daemon goes down and then restart it and, if you set up your mail, alert you in a mail that this has been done.





#VSCP & Friends 1.12.4 Magnesium released #IoT #m2m


VSCP & Friends 1.12.4 Magnesium has been released.   

This is the last version that will be released on the Windows platform. Future releases will only target  Linux/Unix.  Windows will still be usable as a client using available web interfaces and web applications.

Source and setup files can be downloaded from Sourceforge.

Release notes can be found on Github.