
Please support our sponsors

Supporting the VSCP project right now is probably more important than ever. This is the only financing we have to keep servers running and make it possible to buy hardware to do even more releases and provide demos. Currently Github boost community funding so any sponsoring amount actually doubles on our side.

We are VERY grateful to our current sponsors. Please support them.

2 replies on “Please support our sponsors”

I’m happy to help with some sponsoring.
Thanks for all great work you have put into VSCP..
I have a large VSCP installation at home, and I have to share it some day..
Looking forward to get time to integrate my system with node-red when I will get the time!!

Thanks again Åke,

You have been a great supporter also before Anders. I have your letters on the wall here and when it’s hard I use to read them and always get into a good mood. 😉 Look forward to a presentation of your setup one day. I am sure all do. Take care my friend!


ps Do you have a logo (and a link) I can use on the sponsors page? ds

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