
State of things

So what is happening on the VSCP scene?

Well, currently not much. I am still unable to do much and is waiting for the second part of my shoulder prosthesis replacement (currently just a thin steal distance instead of the upper bone). But good is at least that I am a bit more alert again after quitting a six week penicillin cure. I have never slept so much as I have done in the last weeks. Trust me.

Hopefully the next operation will be done before the summer and after that I hope I will be allowed (and able) to use the right arm again. That probably mean I will not be doing serious work again until the end of summer. It is hard to even think about that as I am VERY eager to finalize the current work and get next release out of the door.

well, things are like they are and there is no meaning to be low about the situation. Just wanted you guys know so you don’t think VSCP has gone away to the strawberry fields forever.

Have fun!

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