hcitool -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0008 17 02 01 06 03 03 aa fe 0f 16 aa fe 10 00 02 77 65 62 67 61 7a 65 72 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Author: admin
sudo hcitool -i hci0 cmd 0x08 0x0008 17 02 01 06 03 03 aa fe 0f 16 aa fe 10 00 03 77 65 62 67 61 7a 65 72 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Source: Raspberry Pi 3 as an Eddystone URL beacon • Hackaday.io
Google will bring its AI and machine learning technology to the Raspberry Pi this year, and has posted a survey seeking input.
Source: Google seeks dev feedback for putting AI on Raspberry Pi
Top 5 Blog posts – Kaa Crew
“A better alternative to VSCP…???”
Source: Top 5 Blog posts – Kaa Crew
An interesting article in the New York Times caught my eye the other day, suggesting the current ‘Gadget’ bubble may be deflating. Not good news for ‘Start-Ups’. Can Engineers or Professional Makers turn an Inventor’s dream into a successful product?
Source: The Inventor and the Engineer: Hare and the Tortoise
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New components and technologies allow near-field-communications (NFC) to be quickly and easily integrated with OS-based applications.
Source: Technology to Deliver On the IoT’s Promise | DigiKey
Using solar cells to meet the power requirements of the latest single board computers such as the Raspberry Pi 3 in embedded applications without screens.
Source: How to Use Solar Cells to Power a Raspberry Pi 3 | DigiKey
The LPWA technology enables way longer battery life at a lower cost. How can LPWA can innovate your city, industry or home? Join Tele2 IoT Challenge & find out!
Source: Join the Tele2 IoT Challenge LPWA – Innovate your business