
Simplified WoT Thing Description

Source: Simplified WoT Thing Description


#Bluetooth Unleashed Design Challenge

Visit the ‘Bluetooth Unleashed Design Challenge’ group on Bluetooth Unleashed Design Challenge

Source: Bluetooth Unleashed Design Challenge


Current temperatures at the #VSCP hill

Outside under the snow: -8.9 C
Outside: -5,4 C
Inside compost 1: -1.3 C
Inside compost 2: +0.2 C
Office: + 22.4 C
Raspberry Pi 1 CPU temp: +51.3C
Raspberry Pi 1 GPU temp:  +51.9 C
Inside fridge: -21.5 C
Inside refrigerator upper: +5.55C
Me: +36.4 C

Life is good!

CAN general Projects

#VSCP using #CAN with this new product from @sparkfun

If you want to play with VSCP and CAN this card from Sparkfun may be a good companion.


New #VSCP donation

We today got a EUR 150 donation from to the project.

Thank you!


New #VSCP Donation

We today got a SEK 2757 donation from / to the project.
Thank you!


These are the best countries and cities for attracting and developing talent

Northern Europe dominates the talent competitiveness table

Source: These are the best countries and cities for attracting and developing talent


Announcing #Capacitor 1.0.0 Alpha | The Official #Ionic Blog

Source: Announcing Capacitor 1.0.0 Alpha | The Official Ionic Blog


4D Systems designs and manufactures compact and cost effective Intelligent Display Modules using the latest state of the art OLED and LCD technology with an embedded custom graphics processor.

ESP8266 General HowTo's

#ESP8266 #VSCP Development Intro – part 1

Serial port

Connect the USB cable to the board.  You will get a new CDC serial port. You can check which one you get with

ls /dev/tty*

Normally you get /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1 or the like. To make them usable for you you should add yourself to the dialout group

addgroup user dialout

where “user” is your username. You can also do this manually in the /etc/group file or

chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0

if you like brute force.

Loading code to the ESP8266

The ESP8266 CPU can be booted in three different ways:

  • Flash Mode: default booting mode. Firmware is read and executed from the flash memory. Pins need to be set to: GPIO15=0, GPIO0=0, GPIO2=1
  • UART Mode: used to program our board (through a Serial-to-Usb adapter). Pins need to be set to:  GPIO15=0, GPIO0=1, GPIO2=1
  • SDIO Mode: loads firmware from an SDIO card? Pins need to be set to:  GPIO15=1, GPIO0=0/1, GPIO2=0/1

The boot process is described here.

Switching from a mode to another requires to reset the module while the pin states listed is set.

With the nodemcu board and esptool flash uploader all this is handle automatically but if you have another board you must handle this yourself.


You find it here.

Fetch it

sudo git clone

cd esp-open-sdk

Install it

apt-get install make unrar autoconf automake libtool libtool-bin gcc g++ gperf flex bison texinfo gawk ncurses-dev libexpat-dev python sed

git clone --recursive

cd esp-open-sdk/

Error when building?  See this post
This builds the standalone version of the SDK (Non FreeRTOS)
You should add the bin directory to he path
echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/development/esp8266/esp-open-sdk/xtensa-lx106-elf/bin' >> ~/.profile

echo 'PATH=$PATH:~/development/esp8266/esp-open-sdk/esptool' >> ~/.profile


I have installed the toolchain in


so change paths above for your installation folders.

Update it (when updates are available)

make clean
git pull
git submodule update

Firmware upload tool

You need the to upliad firmware to the module, you find it here
Install with
pip install esptool

First code (blinky)

You find it here

cd ~/development/esp8266/esp-open-sdk/examples/blinky



to build it. Remember that the paths above must have been set. You may get some warnings. No problem.

For your information. If you build from source code should be loaded like this:

  • bin/0x00000.bin to 0x00000
  • bin/0x10000.bin to 0x10000

That is just what we do here. Upload to your module with --port /dev/ttyUSB1 write_flash 0x00000 blinky-0x00000.bin 0x10000 blinky-0x10000.bin

No need to press any buttons during flashing. It is handled automatically by the USB DTR circuitry.

Now we are ready to do some real work for our VSCP system with the ESP8266.  If you rather prefer Arduino this howto may be the one you should go for instead of this one. Life is much simpler in the Arduino world. But the degrees of freedom is better if you do it all by yourself. The penalty for freedom is more problems of course. As always.

Another intro is here
esp8266 wiki is here.

Part 2 will follow.