
VSCP Events

VSCP event files and docs now is auto generated.  The docs for the scripts that generate the misc. file is here if you are interested.

Updated files will be available here The docs sub folder here contains event documentation in markdown and also a zip and a tar of all content. This information is generated for the VSCP specification document.

All files generated contains version information which is the date and time when the docs was generated. This information is embedded in the generated files (if possible) and also available in JSON form here (version.json) and in JSONP form here (version.jsonp). In automated processes compare the on-site version information in one of there file with the downloaded version and download a new version if a newer one is available.

C header files are are here for event classes (vscp_class.h) and here for event types (vscp_type.h). The files are automatically included in the vscp and the vscp-firmware packages.

Python VSCP event include files are here for VSCP classes ( and here for vscp types ( The files are automatically included in the pyvscp package.

The vscp_hashclass.h and vscp_hashtype.h files are headers for the vscp helper class.

For JavaScript VSCP events are available in JSON format (vscp_events.json) and in JSONP format (vscp_events.jsonp).

vscp_class.js and vscp_type.js holds VSCP class and VSCP type information suitable for JavaScript.

XML format is available here (vscp_events.xml).

SQL format is available here (vscp_events.sql).