
Changes #VSCP #IoT #m2m


I should work with hardware modules in Grodans Paradis AB because it is a much greater chance to get some money back from the work I do there. And sadly we all need money to survive.


I work with the software at the moment. And I will continue to do so for some time. Neglecting my own hardware development then of course. Well I actually decided some month’s ago to do hardware some days each week and software the other. But (again) I need the changes and additions I am working on right now to go on. So it’s has been and will be still for some time only software work.

So what is it?

Many have heard me talking about databases in VSCP. At leat if you been around at all.  Not so hot and sexy you may say, but by adding them there is much easier to do a nice remote administrative interface. Also the discovery process becomes much simpler.

And yes I do plenty of Javascript now. UX work to. I am not the man to do this kind of work because I am really bad on it, but if no one else does it…

So expect an administrative interface where settings for the local/remote daemon can be changed in a secure way, where devices can be discovered, where data/measurements can be visualized, where drivers can be installed/uninstalled and much more.

And then there is variables. Variables will be the common interface to set all values. So users, driver, DM-rows, measurement values, tables, discoveries and all the rest of the functionality that is available in the VSCP daemon will be exposed as variables. Accessible through the tcp/ip interface, the REST-interface, the web socket interface , the MQTT inteface, the CoAP interface and from LUA, Javascript and with the helperlib from all local or remote applications.

Oh well, somewhere further ahead at least.