
Almost Done. #VSCP #IoT #m2m


Almost done. It’s always the hardest part. I have never really understood why.  So now for the Beijing I/O module I only have to verify that the input and debounce events work then I can stamp “ready” on the project or at least dub it “ready” as in firmware release 1.0.0.  Yes and after that start coding on the next project. Going in to virgin land with a free mind. I like that. More than most other things in the world. But now, so close to the finish, I resist and slow down as always. Just as a runner that is close to the finish line usually does.

Yes I am tired. I have been working hard this year. Sixteen hour days for most of the days of the week.  Month after month. Just as I did last year and the year before that and so on.  Getting very little in return for my work. But not for a minute hesitated that this is something good. Yes I still believe in this.

So I have to pick up some strength from somewhere in myself and finish this.  I really need to put “ready” on two other modules also before I go on vacation with a mind in rest. Is that even possible?  Well I don’t know, I just know I better get on the job again right away.

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