Drivers General VSCP

The new #VSCP #MQTT driver

The MQTT driver is next i line in the major rewrite of the VSCP software that is going on. Currently MQTT publishing works. As before the “simple” method is available so that one can publish the value for an event on a MQTT topic. But now it is also possible to publish VSCP events on string form, XML form and JSON form. The same functions will work for subscribing. It is therefore very easy to interface for example node-red and others. But for node-red more support functionality will come.

Also new in the next release is that Level II drivers use a totally new interface. You may now also (re)configure them on the fly if you need and enable that functionality.

But still some code to go through before the 12.0.0 release.

3 replies on “The new #VSCP #MQTT driver”

suc6 with the new relaease! That MQTT stuff looks promising though.


It’s much the same as before but with a new motor. But some godies added as well. But the plan is to make node-red components that handle this so no need to go over mqtt at all.

As soon as you publish the next release I will get my level-1 nodes back out of the box.


Ps: will have to look at level-2 especially with my esp nodes. 😉

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